
Totems by Alain Delorme, heavy weight cargo

For sure this is a great example of taking simple shots, reinvented and retouched into a set of super cool pictures and concept created by France based photographer Alain Delorme. The theme from this “Totems” set is to capture the complexity of what the bicycle couriers have to carry on their everyday basis in which making them the true heros of Shanghai of the modern times! Love the colors, the elements “riding on the couriers”, it’s a concept you don’t get to see too often around the corner!
Enjoy the ride!
Totems by  Alain Delorme, heavy weight cargo
alain delorme heavy weight
alain delorme heavy weight
alain delorme heavy weight
alain delorme heavy weight
alain delorme heavy weight  cargo alain delorme heavy weight  cargo
alain delorme heavy weight  cargo alain delorme heavy weight  cargo
alain delorme heavy weight  cargo
alain delorme heavy weight  cargo
“True happiness is to understand our duties toward God and man, to enjoy the present without anxious dependence on the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears, but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is abundantly sufficient”. Seneca


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