
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

The art of negative space. An attempt to tell a story through illustration.
 Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Beware of Those Hands.
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Day vs. Night.
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Sky Aperture
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

In Flying Colours.
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

The Haunting Hand
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Sky Invader.
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Found Anything Yet? 
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Feather of Life
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Sound of Nature: Piano
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Little Red Riding Hood
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Ernest Hemingway
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Erotic Literature
Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong

Lost Memory.

Negative Space illustrations by tang yau hoong


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