
Soft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean Amazing Graphic design

Soft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic design

Soft Guerrilla
Soft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic designKyle Bean is a Brighton, UK  based  designer who is specialized in hand crafted models, set design and art direction. His work is outstanding and for this latest series he has chosen a relevant set of objects  to put his spin on given the current state of armed conflict in the world today. Kyle created ” Soft Guerrilla” for CUT Magazine and I´ll tell you what this is about… he got some devices/weapons considered usually harmful such as grenades, knives, among others and made his artwork out of some deadly, harmless and non expected materials like Jello and feather.  Other stand out pieces include brass knuckles crafted from bread toast as well as dynamite from kinda melty popsicles. Such a creative and cool work besides the great message about NO WAR!
If you wanna kill me, please do it very softly with your art, with a nice gesture, with a great song, with tasteful food… those are the best poisons!

Soft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic design

Soft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic designSoft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic designSoft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic designSoft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic designSoft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic designSoft Guerrilla by Kyle Bean  Amazing Graphic design
Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud.  I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth.  I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace”.  Charles Sumner


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