
Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic

Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic

Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin

Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic
Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic
Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic
. When viewing Douglas’ work, one can clearly recognise the influence of certain pioneers of Photorealism, such as Richard Estes, Ralph Goings and John Salt. Douglas shares their ability to painstakingly recreate the complex visual details of American life, be it in the reflection of a cafeteria window, the sheen on a car bonnet or the neon billboard sign, which hangs over a music hall. His meticulous renderings of the Manhattan skyline are perfect demonstrations of this skill and craftsmanship he possesses as a painter. (via Albemarle Gallery)
Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic
Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic
Neil Douglas Manhattan skylin : photo realistic


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