
Journey to everywhere, by Jan von Holleben

Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben

Born in 1977 in Cologne, Germany, Jan von Holleben lives and works in London, Berlin and Sasbach am Kaiserstuhl.
Holleben lived most of his youth in an alternative commune and identifies a strong connection between the development of his photographic work and the influence of his parents, a cinematographer and child therapist.
Jan von Holleben’s work has been exhibited internationally and published widely throughout the world. His favourite collaborators are: his friends and any pirates, fairies, dragons, monsters and punks that are about. Also the sun behind some tiny clouds, Zeit Magazin, Neon Magazine, Dazed&Confused, Geo and Steidl Publishers.

Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von HollebenJourney to everywhere, by  Jan von HollebenJourney to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Journey to everywhere, by  Jan von Holleben
Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. Greg Anderson


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