
Funny objects in real life by Terry Border

Terry Border’s photo blog Bent Objects, begun in 2006, anthropomorphizes inanimate objects using bits of wire and a few props. He creates scintillating inner lives for the ordinary things that most of us take for granted. Originally, Border says, his bent-object sculptures and photo scenes came about almost by accident. He studied photography in school and initially made his living as a commercial photographer. When that grew old he tried cartooning, then landed in sculpture.
Funny bento objects by Terry Border - toothpaste toothbrushFunny bento objects by Terry Border - toast toasting

Funny bento objects by Terry Border - inflatable doll
Funny bento objects by Terry Border- spoon pastaFunny bento objects by Terry Border - ruleFunny bento objects by Terry Border - puking drunkFunny bento objects by Terry Border- pop acneFunny bento objects by Terry Border - pirate marshmallowFunny bento objects by Terry Border - pill overdoseFunny bento objects by Terry Border - peanut mourningFunny bento objects by Terry Border - milk cookiesFunny bento objects by Terry Border - mcdonalds fries ketchupFunny bento objects by Terry Border - marshmallowFunny bento objects by Terry Border  keys lockerFunny bento objects by Terry Border - hot dogFunny bento objects by Terry Border - fortune cookieFunny bento objects by Terry Border - english breakfastFunny bento objects by Terry Border - egg chickenFunny bento objects by Terry Border - donut winterFunny bento objects by Terry Border - dandelionFunny bento objects by Terry Border - dancing queensFunny bento objects by Terry Border - coffee cupsFunny bento objects by Terry Border - chocolateFunny bento objects by Terry Border - candleFunny bento objects by Terry Border - banana sex
All objects, all phases of culture are alive. They have voices. They speak of their history and interrelatedness. And they are all talking at once! Camille Paglia