
The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day
photos for women in every culture way
اليوم العالمي للنساء 2013

International Women’s Day 2012

The UN theme for International Women’s Day 2012 is Empower Women – End Hunger and Poverty. In many countries, International Women’s Day is an occasion to honor and praise women for their accomplishments.
Today, many events are held by women’s groups around the world.  70% of those living in poverty are women and Oxfam encourages women to get together on IWD and fundraise to support Oxfam projects, which change the lives of women around the world.
Oxfam is an international confederation of 15 organizations working together in over 90 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. They work directly with communities and they seek to influence the powerful to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them.
Chicquero proudly supports this cause, you can make a difference right now.

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day
International Women's Day  vietnam
International Women's Day  vietnam

International Women's Day  papua islands 2
International Women's Day  papua islands

International Women's Day  thailand 2
International Women's Day  thailand 2
International Women's Day  thailand
International Women's Day  thailand

International Women's Day  oman
يوم المرأه العالمي صور للنساء في كل ثقافات العالم

International Women's Day  oman
International Women's Day  Turkana_tribe_girl_Kenya
International Women's Day  Turkana_tribe_girl_Kenya

International Women's Day  myanmar
International Women's Day  myanmar
International Women's Day  north korea

International Women's Day  north korea

International Women's Day  mexican
International Women's Day  indian 2
International Women's Day  laos
International Women's Day  laos
International Women's Day  african
International Women's Day  african
International Women's Day  china
International Women's Day  china

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day

International Women's Day  tibetan

International Women's Day  angola 2

International Women's Day  angola 2

International Women's Day tanzania

International Women's Day tanzania

يوم المرأه العالمي السعوديه
International Women's Day chicquero saudi arabia
International Women's Day  saudi arabia

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day Japan
The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day

International Women's Day  java

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day

International Women's Day  angola

The Women in Every Culture : International Women’s Day


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