
google street view chaos pictures , street photography

google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography

google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography

Google Street View
Jon Rafman
is a lucky man for at least two reasons: (1) his priceless  sensibility is a veil through which he sees a more beautiful world, a precious one that reaches such a state through the very aesthetic of non-preciousness; (2) he, through scouring the near infinite territory of Google street views, is statistically even able to consistently find universal moments of “condensed being” which would make the greatest haiku poet weep.

google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography
google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view , chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography alliengoogle street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography google street view chaos  pictures , street photography

Google is a global Rorschach test. We see in it what we want to see. Google has built an infrastructure that makes a lot of dreams closer to reality.
John Battelle


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