
deep fried gadgets, Fried Hardware

deep fried gadgets Fried Hardware

In a project whose title speaks for itself, Brooklyn-based photographer Henry Hargreaves in collaboration with food stylist Caitlin Levin literally deep-fried a series of electronics equipment but don´t you worry, no technologies were harmed in the shooting of this project. Although the gadgets look real, they’re actually recreations made with a material called foamcore, which were then dipped in batter and dunked in oil.
After discovering an online video of an unsuccessful attempt by Japanese youths to deep fry a PSP, or PlayStation Portable, Hargreaves decided to expand on the idea with a photography project.”I like to play with food and the juxtaposition of different worlds,” Hargreaves told The Huffington Post. “Also I see similarities between tech culture and fast food. Quickly devoured and then discarded.”
The series can be taken as a critique on consumerist culture, in which working technological devices are frequently discarded in favor of newer versions.
deep fried gadgets Fried Hardware deep fried gadgets Fried Hardware deep fried gadgets Fried Hardware deep fried gadgets Fried Hardware deep fried gadgets Fried Hardware deep fried gadgets Fried Hardware deep fried gadgets Avoid fried foods, which angry up the blood. My blood is angry.


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