
Copywriter vs. Art Director : clever illustrations

Copywriter vs. Art Director
clever illustrations
posters , photography , Writing

Copywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrations
Great illustration project about the differences between copywriters and art directors by CW Versus AD.
An art director oversees the art, photographs and drawn images, that appear in newspapers, magazines, ad campaigns and on book covers. An art director is usually the person who oversees the entire design department to coordinate what images will match up with what words.
A copywriter hammers out the words that sell, promote, educate and inform. This means a great copywriter is gifted in the craft of writing hard-hitting words. These are the words that sell all types of products and services. These words also inform and educate.

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Copywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrationsCopywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrations
Copywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrations Copywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrationsCopywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrations

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Copywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrations Copywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrationsCopywriter vs. Art Director clever illustrations
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A picture is worth a thousand words. Napoleon Bonaparte
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. Buddha


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