
amazing Metal Sculptures by David Kracov

amazing Metal Sculptures by David Kracov

amazing Metal Sculptures by David Kracov
Metal Sculptures butterflies

David Kracov is a versatile artist who has been building his art portfolio since the tender age of twelve. He is a sculptor, animator and painter who is influenced by popular culture. His art works are often created with the intention of commemorating those who have passed away in violent events such as 9/11 and the holocaust. Kracov’s commemorative art work is surprising, because unlike many artists, David Kracov chooses to celebrate the lives of the people lost in those events instead of mourning their deaths.
Kracov’s metal sculptures have a delicate appeal to them, and seem fragile enough to be made of paper. Many of Kracov’s techniques resemble those used in papercraft, but instead of using scissors to cut through card, Kracov uses metal cutters to create the silhouette shapes used in his art works. He then applies paint in fun and colorful patterns, creating his signature style that is so celebrated.
Visit David Kracov’s website to learn more about this modern artist and to see more colorful metal sculptures by this artist.


  1. This looks really interesting and I am willing to give it a shot. It looks pretty hard though.

    Metal Sculpture Artists

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