11/11/11 Number one photography
1 (one)
One is a number, a numeral, and the name of the glyph representing that number. It represents a single entity, the unit of counting or measurement.
One is a number, a numeral, and the name of the glyph representing that number. It represents a single entity, the unit of counting or measurement.

Today is the last binary date of the 21st century (
Friday 11/11/11 is a powerful date if you believe in the power of the numbers. I believe it is a good date to start something new, or to finish an old habit.
What about.. Startin a volunteer job? That new diet? Get fat? Setting up a new exercise routine? Get a meaninful tattoo? Perhaps.. quit smoking? Get married in Vegas? Poke that person you love? Shoe shopping? Donate blood? Steal a kiss? Quit your miserable job? Fly to the moon? Get wasted? Run a marathon? I don’t know, get born! (
Whatever, start doing something with your life, today is a memorable date, it makes it easy to celebrate your profound change of direction in years to come, pure mathematical logic!
Today is also considered by a group o hackers, “The Nerd New Year”. Come on geeks, nerds, hipsters, crackers, or at least programmers who think in binary code, let’s celebrate. Happy New Year Folks!
Not sure why I made this creepy post, maybe it’s because..
“I Love repetitions.. bird bird bird .. the bird is the word .. again! again!”
.. and people used to say that one is the loneliest number, but today they are having an orgy!
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