
street photography Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos

-->  street photography : Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos
Today we showcase a very talented street photographer from Singapore, Danny Santos. Danny has many compelling examples of street photography but today I would like to share a collection of images he calls “Portraits of Strangers”.
Danny describes this collection in his own words…
“When I’m out on the streets, I often encounter faces that make me look twice; faces that stand out in the crowd without trying; faces that are out of the ordinary. They range from the exquisitely beautiful to the strangely wonderful. I started to approach these strangers for permission to take a photo of them. Some said no, but most said yes. After taking their portrait, I’d say ‘thank you’ and walk on along. I didn’t ask for their names, or where they came from, or what they do, because I wanted the viewers to see them how I saw them: as beautiful strangers.”
To see more of Danny’s work please visit his website here.
 street photography Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos

 street photography Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos

 street photography Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos

 street photography Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos
 street photography Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos
 street photography Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos
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  1. The first quote is one of my favorite travel quotes! :) Where are each of these photos from? They're so awesome!Ocean Photography Posters
