
Most Inspiring Locations on Earth : Amazing places to see :صور فوتوغرافيه لاجمل مناطق العالم واكثرها الهاما:

Most Inspiring Locations on Earth : Amazing places to see صور فوتوغرافيه لاجمل مناطق العالم واكثرها الهاما
اذا كنت تبحث عن الالهام في الفن او التصوير الفوثوغرافي
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اريزونا - الولايات المتحده
جزر في في - تايلند

If you’re seeking inspiration in either art, love or life in general nothing works better than experiencing the beauty of nature at its best. This planet has many places one can find solace, serenity and a sense of balance in a way that no other thing but contemplation and personal experience can achieve.
There are breathtaking, gorgeous places out there waiting for you to visit – green valleys under your feet, crystal-clear lakes, mysterious caves, picturesque forests, scorching and desolate but beautiful deserts, serene oceans and so much more. The only negative about this whole conglomeration of beauty is our limited lifespan and resources – the life of an inspired individual is full of choices.
These choices are what determines whether we see the world as a dark place or something full of inspiration, beauty and love. This is a small list of some of the most unforgettable locations around the globe:

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

antelope canyon arizona Most Inspiring Locations on Earth
One of the most visited and popular locations in the South of the United States, Antelope Canyon is located on the land of the Diné people more commonly known as Navajo. Their name for the canyon is Tsé bighánílíní which literally means “the place where water runs through rocks”. This gorgeous place was formed when the local rock eroded when monsoon rainwater flash-flooded the area and eventually began forming what we see today.
The place is hauntingly beautiful with its warm reddish color and some of the best photographs of it can be taken when the sun seeps through the openings above. The contrast between the blue sky and the red stone is just gorgeous.

Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

Most Inspiring Locations on Earth : Amazing places to see
Located to the very popular destination of Phuket island these islands are something akin to a place out of a pirate novel. Gorgeous beaches, interesting rock formations and green jungles as well as crystal-clear turquoise waters swarming with the local marine life dressed in its bright colors. You can enjoy this place a whole lot better than the overused and popular beaches of Phuket.

Macchu Picchu, Peru

Most Inspiring Locations on Earth : Amazing places to see
Standing at the staggering height of 2,430m (7,970 ft) above sea level and located in the middle of a great tropical mountain forest, this ancient Inca town has many ramps, terraces and impressive walls as part of its construction. What makes this place truly amazing is the sheer effort that went into it – it originates around 1400 AD when the Inca Empire began its construction. The area offers views like no others and a rich variety of animal and plant species.


Most Inspiring Locations on Earth : Amazing places to see
A land of geological beauty and weather extremes, this volcanic island between Europe and Greenland has one of the most amazing landscapes on Earth. Ranging from green valleys to desolate ones reminding us of another planet, sporting a nice and consistent temperature it is a wonderful place to visit.
At certain points throughout the year the day/night cycle is changed in such a way thanks to its position on the planet’s surface that you’ll be able to experience a seemingly endless day or night.  There are seasons here however and each of them carries its own charm and specifics. Definitely a place to see and spend some time at if you’re looking for serenity.

Pamukkale, Turkey

Most Inspiring Locations on Earth : Amazing places to see

A very beautiful and strange place located in the Denizli Province in Turkey, Pamukkale has a large number or hot springs, terraces of minerals and travertines formed by the water flowing there. It is known as the most important mineral bath spa in Turkey not only because of its beauty but also because of the waters themselves. You can experience a great time there both in relaxation and in experiencing nature’s beauty at its best.